The ninth annual session of tho I. O. G. T., working under tho Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the World, was held in the Temporance Hall, Sydney, during the past week, commencing on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock and ...
Article : 1,668 wordsThe Town Hall al Pofershum, which has just been completed, was opened last night, when the occasion was marked ny a ball to which 300 persons were invited by the Mayor, Mr. John Gelding. The building, which is of handsome ...
Article : 432 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 5,985 wordsCAMPERDOWN.—Meeting held on 28th March. Present—The Mavor, and Aldermon M'Grath, Crukshank, Culbert, Sparkes, Larkin, and Jentsch. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Tenders were opened, when the following were accepted: ...
Article : 1,114 wordsThe coming on of Parliament time is indicated by the varions rumours of what is contemplated by those who are ambitions of taking the place of the Minietry. But none of these rumours have a revolutionary ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 20 Apr 1882, Page 10
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