An action for libel, for £250 damages, has been commenced by Dr. MacLachlan, of the Sorata, against the Port Adelaide News, for allegations in reference to his conduct in connection with the death of an aged ...
Article : 338 wordsSir,—In Wednesday's issue of the Herald I see a letter referring to the above subject, signed by a Mr. Thomas S. Forsaith. I do not know what this gentleman's personal acquaintance with the subject he writes upon may; have ...
Article : 924 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 104 wordsThe first match of any importance played by the Australian team since their return from England was begun on the Oval, to-day, when a South Australian fifteen, captained by W. Slight, met them. The weather was splendid, and ...
Article : 915 wordsThe Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron's second-class match will be sailed to-day and start from Farm Cove by the firing of the 1 o'clock gun. The entries are Oithona, Guinevere, and Harpy. ...
Article : 535 wordsThe London Comedy Company closed its highly successful season of thirty-eight weeks' duration last evening, when the performance was for a spieial complimentary benefit to Mr. Arthur Garner, under whose auspices the company first ...
Article : 2,147 wordsThere was a large attendance at this institution last night, when there was a repetition of "The Three Guardsmen." The characters, the principal of which was assumed by Mr. W. H. Leake, were again ably represented, and the ...
Article : 61 wordsThe attendance at the Opera.House last night was much smaller than usual—a fact which certainly was not attributable to a want of ability on the part of the performers. The programme comprised an Irish drama, entitled ...
Article : 96 wordsThe latest addition to the list of Sydney places of amusement istheGaiety Theatre—auspioiousnamo—which will be opened under the management of Mr. L. M. Bayless, on Boxing Night. The drama selected for presentation is " Quilp," ...
Article : 1,016 wordsAn entertainment was given, at the Burwood Schoot of Arts, last night, by the local literary and dramatic association in aid of the fund for defraying the cost of the new proscenium, and passed off very successfully, a large ...
Article : 740 wordsA lecture bearing the above title was delivered last night in the Temperance Hall, Pitt-street, by the Rev. A. C. Gillies, to a large audience, the chair being taken by Mr. John Davies, C.M.G. ...
Article : 932 wordsIn the presence of a large and most attentive and appreciative audience, Mr. J. Boinowski delivered a lecture, entitled " The Art of Design," in the School of Arts, last night. Mr. J. Macintosh occupied the chair, and briefly ...
Article : 742 words{No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]
Detailed lists, results, guides : 14 wordsAt tue intercolonial Conference, held to-day, on a motion by Sir Henry Parkes, seconded by Mr. Mann, the Hon. G. Berry was elected president. The representatives of N. S. Wales and South Australia then ...
Article : 661 wordsA very interesting lecture was delivered by Mr. Grigo[?] Taylor, in the Mechanics' Institute, Botany, on Tuesday evening, the 23rd instant, the subject being, " A Narrative of Personal Travel in the Peninsula of Sinai." The ...
Article : 1,109 wordsIn connection with the reports published yesterday we now print the following correspondence relating to the readjustment of teachers' salaries:- " Department of Public Instruction, ...
Article : 267 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 27 Nov 1880, Page 6
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