If we add to tho railway lines already opened for traffic those which are under contract it will be seen that the colony is in a fair way of soon becoming the owner of about 1000 miles of ...
Article : 798 wordsThe following notifications appoar in the Government Gazette, published yesterday morning:— APPOINTMENTS.—The Hon. Sir Alfred Stephen, K.C.M.G., C.B., of Sydney, to the Legialative Council, by ...
Article : 822 wordsAlthough the name of Lithgow is familiar to most people, perhaps thousands of your readers know little of the importance of this rising place. Upto within the last quarter of century many of the ...
Article : 2,029 wordsPekin, the capital of China, occupies in that respect tho ornamental position that Edinburgh, does in Scotland. It lies to the north, and its river approach is much encumbered with ice in this winter time. I go ...
Article : 6,786 wordsThe Legislative Council will probably have some trouble to recover from the shock given it by the political broadside fired against it last week by Sir Henry Parkes. It has had to sustain, and has been able to servive, some pretty ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 9 Aug 1879, Page 8
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