WITH reference to the debate which took place in the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday night on a motion for adjournment respecting the application of Messrs. Landale, Brothers, to purchase about 9000 acres of their ...
Article : 3,413 wordsThrough the courtesy of the Minister of Mines, the following official letter has been forwarded to us for publication:- "Bulladelah, 25th November, 1878. ...
Article : 196 wordsThe third day of the New bouth Wales Rifle Association matches was brought off yesterday with very gratifying results, gratifying because the weather was splendid for sight, and because the shooting was good. From a ...
Article : 691 wordsAccording to their advertisements the Sydney Musical Union has determined to treat its subscribers with its usual liberality during for third season. As has been well known in musical circles for some time back, the Union has been ...
Article : 668 wordsIn the Legislative Council, yesterday, A message was received from the Assembly returning the Commercial Banking Company's Bill, without amendment. ...
Article : 4,292 wordsDakka has been occupied unopposed. The head men of the Kurd and Khaibar villages are offering their services to the British. Supplies for the British troops are arriving ...
Article : 131 wordsOn the order of the day for dealing with the Council Reform Bill being call on, the Government wanted to postpone it, but several members protested against allowing this desirable opportunity for the ...
Article : 357 wordsThe match between the Australian team and fifteen players of New South Wales will commence to-morrow on the now ground, Mooro Park. The eleven, after their voyage from San Francisco, are not yet in their best form, ...
Article : 345 wordsThe committee of the New South Wales Coursing Club held a meeting at the Royal Hotel yesterday, Mr. G. F. Want presiding. After the election of new members, the following programme was arranged for the ensuing season. ...
Article : 159 wordsSir,—We have no wish to enter into a newspaper controversy with Mr. F. J. Jackson, with reference to the protest made by us against the prize for this race, being awarded to the Violet, but would ask you to publish the ...
Article : 182 wordsAt the Bendigo races to-day, the following were the results:- HURDLE RACE.—Welshman 1, Hickory 2, Alb[?]tross 3. Cruiser and Pirate were the other starters. Welshman won ...
Article : 235 wordsThe Roumanians have entered the Dobrudscha. ...
Article : 29 wordsMessrs. J. and J. Fenton and Sons, bankers, of Rochdale, have failed. Their liabilities are estimated at £500,000. ...
Article : 26 wordsThe steamer Pomerania, from New York bound to Hamburg, came into collision with a barque off Folkestone, at midnight, and sank ten mintes afterwards. 200 person were ...
Article : 36 wordsThe Liberal leaders have published replies to Viscount Cranbrook's despatch to Lord Lytton, reviewing the past relations between England and Afghanistan. They deny that ...
Article : 81 wordsThe Roumanians have now occupied the Dobrudscha, the Russian Government having Avaived its demands for a permanent right of passage through that territory. ...
Article : 29 wordsThe barque Sir William Wallace arrived to-day from Townsville. While the vessel was being towed up the harbour, a woman named Grant attempted to board, but in climbing up the ship's ladder she slipped and ...
Article : 78 wordsA man named Hayes, an employe of Franklin and Purves, contractors for Mount Keira railway, met with a severe, and possibly fatal accident, this afternoon. Tho scaffolding of the bridge gave way, falling on ...
Article : 55 wordsCharles O'Hara and Thomas Seabrook were committed for trial at the Police Court to-day, charged with stealing the two race mares Friendless and Locket, the property of Edward Aldridge. Thomas Phillips, a ...
Article : 49 wordsAt a large and influential meeting held to-day at Cox's Hotel, it was decided to send a deputation to Sydney to present a petition to the Government, urging the importance of immediately extending the railway ...
Article : 58 wordsMessrs. W. Miles and P. Kater have been returned for the Darling Downs; and Mr. A. Meston for Rose, wood electorate. An influential deputation waited on the Colonial ...
Article : 129 wordsThe prorogation is not likely to take place before Tuesday, and on Wednesday an excursion down the bay in the Nelson will be given. In the Assembly, this afternoon, in reply to a ...
Article : 333 wordsIn the Assembly, to-day, the Treasurer, in reply to Mr. Ross, stated that the Government had no objection to construct a duplicate overland line, at the cost of the other colonies, but would retain the control of such line ...
Article : 122 wordsThe experiment of lighting railway carriages with gas has been tried and been attended with great success[?] Each carriage will carry its own reservoir. No couplings are necessary; consequently, there will be no ...
Article : 44 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 28 Nov 1878, Page 5
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