AN inquest was commented on Monday morning last, at the Naval Brigade Hotel, Watt-street, before Mr. Shaw, J. P., District Coroner, respecting the death of William Hailes Millet, late chief officer of the steamer, and whose ...
Article : 1,943 wordsTHE following papers have been laid before the Legislative Assembly as a return to an order of the House, at the instance of Mr. Garrett:- No. 1. Application for Purchase of Crowm Lands. B. ...
Article : 2,511 wordsTHE attendance at the matches to-day was moderato, and the sport a little better than the day before. WATERLOO CUP—FIRST TIES. Domestic beat Brindi[?] Barunah (N. S. W.) beat ...
Article : 254 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 555 wordsSIR,—In your issue of yesterday a gentleman, signing himself " A Traveller," complains of the waggonettes loading going down Pitt-street for the Potts Point return journey. It is a very just complaint, providing passengers ...
Article : 133 wordsSIR,—I observe in to-day's issue of the Herald an anonymous letter containing the following paragraph:- "I have the greatest possible admiration of Mr. Trickett as a representative of Australian Pluck and sinew; but I ...
Article : 284 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 433 wordsA PUBLIC meeting was held at the Cudgegong Council-chambers, last evening, with the object of forming a Farmers and Free Selectors' Union, for purposes of self-protection, & c. There was a good ...
Article : 68 wordsAt the land sale to-day, three lots of 302, 283, and 301 acres realized £3 2s., £2 10s., and £4, respectively per acre, the upset price being £1 per acre only. An important smuggling case is now pending, th[?] ...
Article : 69 wordsA quantity of wreckage, consisting of deck planking, eabin fittings, &c, belonging to a vessel of considerable tonnage, has been washed ashore between Narrabeene and South Head, Broken Bay. By its ...
Article : 50 wordsThe Northumberland nomination took place at noon to-day, at Waratah, in the presence of about 300 or 400 people. William Turner was nominated by William Davies and Henry Rushton; George Wallace, ...
Article : 278 wordsHis Excellency Sir W. Jervois is expected to arrive on the 30th. Thirteen tons of beche-de-mer sold at Cooktown for £117 per ton. ...
Article : 38 wordsThe Elections Committee to-day considered the petition against the return of Mr. Davies, member for Grenville, and it was shown in evidence, that he was an officiating minister of a Congregational Church, ...
Article : 254 wordsARRIVED.—Fiji, ship, from Liverpool; James Service, barque, from Mauritius. SAILED.—Adeline Burke, barque, Merchant, ship, Albert the Good, brig, for Newcastle, ...
Article : 29 wordsThe Press blames the Government for the plan proposed to settle the difficulty re new Parliament buildings, and states that its effect will be to divert the conflict from the Government to the two Houses. ...
Article : 110 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 130 wordsMessrs. Barnett and Levy, proprietors of the Auckland Theatre, have called a meeting of their creditors. Their liabilities are stated to be £20,000, and their assets £23,000. It is said that the banks are causing ...
Article : 74 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 19 Jul 1877, Page 5
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