On Thursday morning, the 9th instant, the steamer Zealandia arrived in Sydney harbour, having on board the champion oarsman, Edward Trickett, and his backer, Mr. James Punch. News had been received by cable from ...
Article : 453 wordsWithin the last few weeks several incidents in the theatrical and musical line have occurred that may be of interest to our American and English readers The chief svents may be opitomised in the few following words:—On ...
Article : 818 wordsIt has been decided to open the sixth exhibition of the N. S. W. Academy of Arts towards the end of March, 1677. Several valuable contributions, both of paintings and sculptures, have been added to the society's gallery. ...
Article : 285 wordsAfter an exceptionally fast passage from Galle, Lillywhite's team of cricketers arrived at Adelaide, South Australia, on Tuesday mornina; last the 7th instant, by the P. and O. Company's steamship Tanjore, and were warmly ...
Article : 279 wordsMr. Palmer has given notice of a motton in the Assembly for a revision of the Torres Straits Mail Service, Brisbane to be the terminus, the speed not less than ten knots, and the subsidy not to exceed £40,000. ...
Article : 282 wordsOn the 4th instan a grreat foot-race took place at Parkes, between Watson of Scone who lately defeated Trank Hewitt at Newcastle, and Applett of Parkes, the stakes being £300 aside. On the day of the race everyone ...
Article : 443 wordsIn the Assembly, on going into Committee on the Harbour Trust Bill, Mr. Berry moved that progress be reported; he maintained that the Railway Construction Bill should be at once introduced. The Opposition talked ...
Article : 1,429 wordsThe Assembly, by a majority of fifteen, decided not to adopt the suggestions of the Legislative Council Council to strike out items in the second Loan Bill. The Legislative Council decided by a majority of one in ...
Article : 642 wordsThe session of the New Zealand Parliament has at last been brought to a close, after five months' sitting; the last fortnight of which was devoted to the dispatch of public business. Many of the members, wearied out and disgusted ...
Article : 1,443 words[?] There is very little to report in mining matter, except with regard to gold, the pursuit of which metal is being assiduously carried on in the various auriferous districts, and gold-fields, and is being attended with considerable ...
Article : 1,607 wordsTHE year promises to close with as little alteration as the past portion of it has been marked by. Here there is an absence of any unsettling element, and if the mercantile classes could be gratified by obtaining an ...
Article : 2,165 wordsMELHADO AND CURTRIS.—We have to report an improved business during the month. Bank shares generally command highen, prices. The market is very bare indeed of New South Wales Government debentures, and any offering are eagerly taken at ...
Article : 1,072 wordsThe Spring meeting of the Victorian Racing Club commenced on Saturday, the 4th November, on the Flemingto racecourse, near Melbourne. The Governors of New Sout Wales and South Australia, having accepted the invitation ...
Article : 940 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 17 Nov 1876, Page 9
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