PROCLAMATION New South Walw,] to wit. j (L.S.) ClIFXMHKOED, Governor. l»y IUk Kxcellency The Right Honourable Frkdkkic Joii* Nai'Ikh, Bako.x Ciiklmskoki>,...
Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation : 219 words[17811 Premier's Office, New South Wales, Sydney, 12th February, 11)13. II IS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of 71 tlie Kxeeutive Council, has been...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 64 words("4031] Chief Secretary's Office, Svdne*, 12th February, 1913. * * * IT it hereby notified, for general information, that 11m X Kicrllency the Governor, with...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 132 wordsI IH! )3 ] Department of the Attormy-Gencral, and of Justice, Sydney. 71Ii Kfliruary, 1913. HIS Kicellriicy the Governor, with tin* advieo of the Kx^'iitirc...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 81 words[4i>19] Department of tho Attorney-General uiul of Justice, Sydney, 11th February, 1913. i: IS Excellency the Governor directs it to be noti 1 fuil that, in...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 113 wordsAPPOINTMENTS. DEPARTMENT Of THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND OF JUSTICE. ins k xcellency t Ik * Governor, with the advice of the Fx» cutive Council, has been pleased...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 329 wordsr 17751 Department of Public Instruction, Sydney, 3rd February, 1913. BULLADELAH SCHOOL OF ARTS. Appointment of Trustees. IT is hereby notified, for general...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 143 wordsPROCLAMATION N rw South Walks, to wit. (L.U.) MftTOKll, Governor. 11»v His Excellency The Right Honour iai»lf Fkehkmc John Napikk, Bakom Ctrr.LM.<rt»Rt>,...
Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation : 210 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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