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  1. ACOA branch protest

    SYDNEY: A NSW public-service union yesterday threatened not to process the Federal Government's Dudgct crackdown on ...

    Article : 420 words
  2. ALP fallout on uranium

    MELBOURNE:: The Federal Government's decision to resume uranium sales to France continues to bring protests from ALP supporters throughout Victoria, with condemnation coming from sections ...

    Article : 209 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,442 words
  4. Hawke says buy local

    SYDNEY: Shopping expeditions for Mr and Mrs Hawke will now mean seeking out the grecnand-gold kangaroo logo depicting Australian-made products. ...

    Article : 141 words
  5. Prizzi's Honor video winners

    The winners in our Prizzi's Honor video competition run in last week's radio and TV Guide are as follows: Lisa Bopping, Lyons: B. Coffey. Hughes: Stephen Komnacki, Kambah; Teeha Menezes, ...

    Article : 48 words
  6. Protest at Lodge draws 200 people

    The Lodge was without its master yesterday, but that was of little consequence to the members of the Canberra Program for Peace ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 191 words
  7. Springing from a 'wettlsh winter'

    Spring begins today and many Canberrans will be hoping that the sun "comes to the party" after what the Bureau of Meteorology has called "a wettish winter". ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 174 words