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Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,892 words[?] your report last Wednesday of the rule nisi for prohibition in the case Barclay v. Emery, it is stated that it was against the Bench of Magistrates Kiama. This is not the case, and as it is the only rule ever ...
Article : 139 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,377 wordsTHE COURT of Quarter Sessions, at Sydney, terminated on Monday, the 4th instant, having been occupied for a whole week with an unusually heavy calendar. The annual meeting of the Christian Instruction ...
Article : 1,621 wordsSales opened at a reduction of about 1d per lb, on the average of February and March. After the first few days, a further fall took place, and prices may now be quoted 2d to 3d per lb. lower, and in some instances even more. Biddings are fairly brisk, but ...
Article : 105 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 220 wordsThe second series of colonial wool sales for 1869 opened on the 6th instant, The quantities arrived in time for sale comprised 239,585 bales, being by far the largest amount of wool over yet received in time for May Berits, or indeed for any series of sales. ...
Article : 620 wordsThe course of business from the commencement of the sales, which began on the 6th instant, to the present time, resembles in many respects that which characterised the August-September auctions, 1868. Opening prices showed no important reduction ...
Article : 446 wordsSince our report of the 30th ultimo, the arrivals have been 7521 hides, 3980 casks tallow, 525 bales leather, and 556 tons Mimosa bark. Hides —The demand continues limited, and though the ...
Article : 608 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 12 Jul 1869, Page 3
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