NOTIFICATION OF CREATION OF EASEMENT PURSUANT to section 136l, Crown Lands Consolidation Act 1913, the easement described hereunder is created. J. R. HALLAM,...
Government Gazette Notices : 455 wordsERRATUM -fffe notification appearing in th& Government Gazette of 12th Febraary, 1988, folio 884, under the heading "Notification of granting of a Special...
Government Gazette Notices : 54 words(3824) WESTERN LANDS COMMISSION Level 4, 121 Macquarie Street, Sydney Box 4351, G.P.O., Sydney 2001 Ph. (02) 228 6522 FAX (02) 251 2337 ADDITIONS TO RESERVE...
Government Gazette Notices : 111 wordsNOTIFICATION OF GRANTING OF SPECIAL LEASES THE special leases of the lands specified have been granted to the undermentioned persons. The leases are subject...
Government Gazette Notices : 381 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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