IT is our painful duty to again record one of those terrible catastrophes which from time to time break in upon the community, blanching the cheek, and making the stoutest heart to tremble. Shipwreck at ...
Article : 685 wordsIT is many years since this portion of the East Coast of Australia was visited with a gale so terrific and prolonged as the one that set in from the south-east shortly after 6 o'clock on last Wednesday evening, ...
Article : 882 wordsTHE general Conference of the three dioceses of Sydney, Newcastle, and Goulburn met on July 11, at 3 p.m., at the Church Society's House, Phillip-street. The Bishop of Sydney presided. Six representatives from the dioceso of ...
Article : 780 wordsTHE address for the removal of Mr. Justice Boothby was carried yesterday in the Legislative Council without a division, There were some long speeches made, but they contained nothing additional to what had gone before ...
Article : 584 wordsTo enable the members of the United Church of England and Ireladn in New South Wales to manage the property of the said Church. Whereas the members of the United Church of England and ...
Article : 472 wordsTHE reported stoppage of this institution has a wakened a good deal of interest respecting the position which this bank occupied. In order to place before our readers the fullest information known here regarding its affairs, we republish ...
Article : 1,979 wordsBEFORE His Honor Sir ALFRED STEPHEN, the Judge of this Court. THE CHEROKEE. Andrew Leslie, promovent, owner of the barque Maggie ...
Article : 98 wordsBEFORE Mr. District Judge MACFARLAND, BYRNE V. WATERS. Plaintiff claimed £2 13s. for fencing the boundary line of the properties of the parties. Plaintiff averred that he had ...
Article : 1,108 wordsBEFORE their Worships the Police Magistrate, Messrs. Sutherland, Wood, Chapman, Birrell, and Levey. Of twelve prisoners brought before the Court, three were discharged and five were remanded. ...
Article : 705 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,195 wordsBEFORE the Water Police Magistrate, and Mr T. Dangar. Henry Bell appeared before the Court charged with throwing stones as Elizabeth M'Quirk, in Campbell-street, Balmain, and was ordered te pay a fine of 10s.; in defau't ...
Article : 153 wordsDEAN, LAUGHTON, AND Co.—Fat Cattle.—Supplies during the last fortnight have been much more abundant than for some months past; there were, however, but few prime fat cattle among them, the bulk being second class and inferior. This, together with the ...
Article : 323 wordsSIR,—I trust you will have space, during the interval prior to the arrival of the English mail, to publish for the benefit of your readers, who do not always see the Westminster Review, the following very striking passages from that ...
Article : 1,353 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 13 Jul 1866, Page 5
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