AT the third ordinary meeting of the present session of the Royal Society of Victoria, held on Monday evening, the 27th July, at the society's hall, Profess[?]r M'Coy, president, in the chair, the following ...
Article : 3,140 wordsA FEW weeks ago we drew attention to the agricultural condition of Ireland, drawing our figures and data mainly from the report of Dr. Hancock; but we have now more full and reliable figures to work upon, ...
Article : 1,432 wordsTHE Library of the Lives of Philanthropists would be incomplete without a memoir of Joseph Sturge, one of those men belonging to our middle class, who are the salt and sinew of England,—not exempt from ...
Article : 2,912 wordsUNTIL veiy recently, the principalpicterial embellishments at Holyrood consisted of a series of one hundred portraits of Scottish monarchs, from the period of Fergus the First down to the close ...
Article : 1,831 wordsCABDINAL, Wiseman has taken the men of science to task for a disposition, which some of them would stoutly deny, to make the most of any little discovery—say, of a bone in a cave, a flint in the ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 2 Sep 1864, Page 6
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