FEW years ever went out with a worse reputation than 1863. A great number of public calamities marked its progress, and few benefits of any kind. Everybody is lookiog forward hopefully to the new year, on the principle that when ...
Article : 3,194 wordsTHE Duchy of Holstein may now be considered to have passed entirely out of the hands of the Danes. Not only have the royal troops retired beyond the Schleswig frontier, but the officials engaged in the local administration have ...
Article : 596 wordsThe Emperor of Austria reviewed, on January 18, the officers and men of the execution corps destined for Schleswig, and bade them farewell in a brief address. He admonished them to keep on good terms with their Prussian ...
Article : 115 wordsThe committee of the Chamber of Deputies upon the loan of 12,000,000 thalers, requested by the Government, agreed upon its report at the sitting on the 9th of January, and appointed Herr von Forkenbeck reporter. The ...
Article : 344 words"A number of concurrent indications." says the Times of January 16, "prove only too clearly that the last desperate struggle of the Polish nation is drawing to a conclusion. One by one the insurgent leaders are captured, their ...
Article : 435 wordsA reception was held by the King on January 1, at which he advised the deputation from the Senate to deliberate upon the bills regulating the taxation. He said the people were prepared for the sacrifices required by the ...
Article : 330 wordsThe Porte has protested against the vote of the Roumanian Chamber for the conflecting of convent property. In addition to the Porte, the British, Austrian, Prussian, and Russian Legations have protested against the same ...
Article : 66 wordsAccording to intelligence received at Vienna from Bucharest warlike preparations continue to be made in the Danublan Principalities. Parcels of arms are constantly being received from France and Belgium. These ...
Article : 95 wordsThe Vienna papers publish intelligence from Trieste, stating that according to advices received there from the Russian embassy in Alhens the nentrality of the Ionian Islands was to be limited to foreign Powers, and that only ...
Article : 67 wordsWE have received official information that intelligence has been received by her Majesty's Government that Austria and Prussia refuse to suspend or delay the entry of their troops into Schleswig. ...
Article : 388 wordsTHE Queen has sent £100 to the fund for the widows and orphans of those seamen who have recently perished on the East Coast, Sir C. Phipps' letter says:—"The Queen would be glad that these poor widows and orphans should be made aware of her Majesty's ...
Article : 1,851 wordsTHE old year dies out so quietly and temperately, that [?] scarcely recognises the fact that we are nearly in [?] winter. An old fashioned Christmas is now ths excet[?] to the general rule, by which Christmas is represented ...
Article : 5,193 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 15 Mar 1864, Page 3
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