THE monthly meeting of the Philosophical Society of New South Wales was hold yesterday evening, in the Australian Library. The chair was taken by his Excellency Sir John Young, who was accompanied by Miss Dalton. Amongst ...
Article : 1,903 wordsMr. Krefft read the following paper, describing a new fleh from the Hawkesbury River, belonging to the genus Therapon, named Pitt's Perch—Therapon Pittii (Kr.)—a specimen being exhibited:— ...
Article : 707 wordsRead by Mr THOMAS PATTERSON, at the Monthly Meeting of the Sydney Horticultural Society, held at the School of Arts, October 10th, 1863. THIRD PAPER. ...
Article : 4,363 wordsHERE pent about by office-walls, And barren eyes all day, 'Tis sweet to think of waterfalls Two hundred miles away! ...
Article : 507 wordsACROSS the dripping ridges,— Oh! look, luxurious Night! She comes, the bright-haired Beauty. My luminous delight: ...
Article : 325 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 12 Nov 1863, Page 8
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