DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Appointment op Macquarie-stkket Be-planning Committee. HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council,...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 238 wordsDEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Appointment op Returning Officer, for the Purposes of the Fibst Ordinary Election of Councillors of the Sydney County Council....
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 84 words(4800) Department of the Attorney-General and of Jnstiee, ! Sydney, 12th July, 1935. j HIS Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that, in...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 119 words(4801) Department of the Attorney-General and of Justice, Sydney, 12th July, 1935. HIS Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that, in accordance...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 116 wordsMARKETING OF PRIMARY PRODUCTS ACT, 1927-1934. Election of Producers' Bepresentatives to the Banana Marketing Boars. WHEREAS by notice published in the...
Government Gazette Notices : 126 words(4775) Department of Labour and Industry, Sydney, 12th July, 1935. RURAL WORKERS' ACCOMMODATION ACT. HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the...
Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 101 wordsNOTIFICATION OF RESUMPTION OP LAND UNDER THE PUBLIC WORKS ACT, 1912. ' IT is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the Governor, acting with the...
Government Gazette Notices : 296 words* BIRDS AND ANIMALS PROTECTION ACT, 1918-1930. aJPBN" seasons. AN Open Season until the 30th September, 1935, inclusive, lias been declared in respect of...
Government Gazette Notices : 55 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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