ST. ANN'S CHURCH having been closed for the last eight months for the purpose of making improvements and additions, and the same being now completed with the exception of the tower, it was ...
Article : 371 words21ST NOVEMBER.—HARMONIC SOCIETY.—The first concert of this society took place yesterday evening, in the hall of the King's School, which was crowded in every part. After several very successful ...
Article : 376 wordsDEATH DROWNING.—An inquest was held on Tuesday, the 19th instant, at the "dwelling-house of Mr. James Stubbs (the father of deceased), Meroota, before Mr. Laban White, coroner, and a jury, on view ...
Article : 514 wordsME. Isaac Cook, of Tooloom, arrived in town last evening, with glowing news from the above diggings. His claim at Joe's Gully yields on an average about 24 to 25 ounces per week, and everything he reports ...
Article : 497 wordsSIR,—[?]n the 18th instant you inserted a letter addressed to Mr. Dalgleish, M.L.A., signed "Oldhamite" in which the working of an incline on trio Oldham Railway by ropes is brought lorwaidto damage Mr. Dalgloish's general ...
Article : 487 wordsSIR,—An "Oldhamite" has made use of your journal to promulgate to the world that I have made a statement on railway gradients that was incorrect, especially mentioning the gradient on the Oldham and Manchester Line, which ...
Article : 1,469 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 22 Nov 1861, Page 6
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