OCTOBER 6TH.—There has been great talk about a nugget of some 400 ounces that was found to-day on the Surface Hill, and placed in charge of the Commissioner. On making inquires, I find such is ...
Article : 1605 words view this articleBEFORE Chief Justice Sir John Dickinson and Mr. Justice Wise. COWARD V. THE SYDNEY POLICE MAGISTRATE AND OTHERS. ...
Article : 946 words view this articleBefore the Primary Judge. CERTIFICATES. The Court confirmed the certificates of discharge granted by the Chief Commissioner to James Smithers, ...
Article : 1127 words view this article{No abstract available}
Detailed Lists, Results, Guides : 383 words view this articleDEFORE the Mayor, the Police Magistrate, and blessrs. Williams, Sutherland, Bonald, and Oatley. Six drunkards were fined in the ordinary penalties, 10s. or 20s., with the usual term of imprisonment in case of non-payment; ...
Article : 520 words view this article{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1341 words view this articleSIR,—I transmit for your information the copy of a letter from the Master of the Mint, which has been forwarded to this Department by desire of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, enclosing a report relative to the transactions in bullion of the ...
Article : 98 words view this articleSir,—I am desired by the Lords Commissioners of her dajesty's Treasury to transmit herewith, for the information of the Duke of Newcastle, copy of a letter from the Master of the Mint, dated the 9th instant, and of the report, enclosed, relative to the ...
Article : 79 words view this articleSir,—I have the honour to acquaint you, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of her Majeaty's Treasury, that the following returns have been duly received from the Daputy Master of the Sydney Branch of the Royal Mint, in conformity ...
Article : 1150 words view this articleSIR,—If you think fit to give a place to the following notes of observation made during a journey per mail irom Goulburn to Campbelltown, they are at your service. True, they may be nothing more than a repetition of what ...
Article : 654 words view this articleLAMBING FLAP DIGGINGS.—Mr. H. Greig and Mr. F. Ross returned to Goulburn last evening from a flying visit to Lambing Flat. They started together from Goulburn on Thursday last, reached the diggings on Sunday, and returned to Marengo the ...
Article,News : 1336 words view this articleWATER SUPPLY ON THE PLAINS.—Mr. James Tyson, having lately completed a very large reservoir at the Ten-mile station on his Upper Deniliquin run, invited his neighbours to meet him there to view it on Tuesday last. Owing to the wet weather and ...
Article : 1331 words view this articleIT has now become pretty clear that the present session of Parliament will be as distinguished for mere declamation as any of the sessions which have preceded it since the advent of responsible Government. ...
Article : 1799 words view this articleOCTOBER 6TH.—There has been great talk about a nugget of some 400 ounces that was found to-day on the Surface Hill, and placed in charge of the Commissioner. On making inquires, I find such is ...
Article : 1,605 wordsBEFORE Chief Justice Sir John Dickinson and Mr. Justice Wise. COWARD V. THE SYDNEY POLICE MAGISTRATE AND OTHERS. ...
Article : 946 wordsBefore the Primary Judge. CERTIFICATES. The Court confirmed the certificates of discharge granted by the Chief Commissioner to James Smithers, ...
Article : 1,127 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 383 wordsDEFORE the Mayor, the Police Magistrate, and blessrs. Williams, Sutherland, Bonald, and Oatley. Six drunkards were fined in the ordinary penalties, 10s. or 20s., with the usual term of imprisonment in case of non-payment; ...
Article : 520 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,341 wordsSIR,—I transmit for your information the copy of a letter from the Master of the Mint, which has been forwarded to this Department by desire of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, enclosing a report relative to the transactions in bullion of the ...
Article : 98 wordsSir,—I am desired by the Lords Commissioners of her dajesty's Treasury to transmit herewith, for the information of the Duke of Newcastle, copy of a letter from the Master of the Mint, dated the 9th instant, and of the report, enclosed, relative to the ...
Article : 79 wordsSir,—I have the honour to acquaint you, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of her Majeaty's Treasury, that the following returns have been duly received from the Daputy Master of the Sydney Branch of the Royal Mint, in conformity ...
Article : 1,150 wordsSIR,—If you think fit to give a place to the following notes of observation made during a journey per mail irom Goulburn to Campbelltown, they are at your service. True, they may be nothing more than a repetition of what ...
Article : 654 wordsLAMBING FLAP DIGGINGS.—Mr. H. Greig and Mr. F. Ross returned to Goulburn last evening from a flying visit to Lambing Flat. They started together from Goulburn on Thursday last, reached the diggings on Sunday, and returned to Marengo the ...
Article : 1,336 wordsWATER SUPPLY ON THE PLAINS.—Mr. James Tyson, having lately completed a very large reservoir at the Ten-mile station on his Upper Deniliquin run, invited his neighbours to meet him there to view it on Tuesday last. Owing to the wet weather and ...
Article : 1,331 wordsIT has now become pretty clear that the present session of Parliament will be as distinguished for mere declamation as any of the sessions which have preceded it since the advent of responsible Government. ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 13 Oct 1860, Page 7
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