BEFORE Henry Cary, Esq, Judge. The list contained twenty-six causes, but of these many were settled before the opening of the court, in others the several defendants submitted to judgments against them. ...
Article : 69 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 926 wordsBEFORE Mr. Ronald and Mr. Cullen. Seven drunkards were severally sentenced to pay 10s., or to be imprisoned twenty-four hours. William Darvall, or Drake, found guilty of having ...
Article : 556 wordsBEFORE the Water Police Magistrate and Mr. J. Williamson. Three parties, who had been found drunk in the streets, were fined 10s. each, or to be imprisoned for twenty-four hours. William Oilham, labourer, was convicted of having stolen from ...
Article : 339 wordsPOLICE OFFICE, Saturday, 13th October.—Before C. M'Crae, G. Langley, and P. Oakes, Esquires.—William Buckley was convicted of stealing a saw, the property of Mr. J. Howison, and was sentenced to one week's imprisonment in the Parramatta Gaol—the ...
Article : 616 wordsSATURDAY, OCTOBER 20.—I sent by telegram yesterday information of a murder which had been committed at Eastern Creek, on Wednesday last, of a sawyer named Matthew Jones. Immediately on the matter ...
Article : 1,629 wordsOCTOBER 20TH.—THE MORPETH EXTENSION RAILWAY.—The interest with which this important measure is now regarded by the East Maitland people, as exhibited in their recent meetings, is looked on in this district as another proof of the public value ...
Article : 1,572 wordsBRISBANE, OCTOBER 18TH.—There seems likely to be some difficulty in getting a "Board of Education." In my last I gave the names of the gentlemen that had been appointed to compose it, but two of them, ...
Article : 1,704 wordsDENILIQUIN AS IT WAS.—The Pastoral Times says.—Five years ago Deniliquin, north and south, was composed of three huts, two on the south side, and one on the north. Two of these were inns or public-houses, the third was that part of the Royal ...
Article : 1,359 wordsTHE TABLE LAND GOLD FIELDS.—We regret to state that the ground at Major's Creek, known as Shepherd and Alger's, is very nearly worked out,and consequently but few remain there. However, as if to make up for this falling off, the old creek continues ...
Article : 840 wordsGLEBE.—The usual fortnightly meeting was held on the 19th October, 1860. Present: Mr. G. W. Allan in the chair, Councillors Blacket, Brown, Jarrett, Reilly, Smith, Thornley, and Walton. The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed. The following ...
Article : 1,269 wordsSIR,—A correspondent signing himself "Observer," in your issue of Tuesday, seems desirous of imparting a spirit of exclusiveness to the Volunteer Corps at present forming. He states that "young men of spirit, intelligence, and good position are ...
Article : 718 wordsSIR,—After waiting patiently, but in vain, for Dr. Lang's reply to my last, in which I think I showed to the satisfaction of every sane man that the war spirit (as it has been called) now prevalent in those colonies is justifiable on purely Scriptural grounds,I shall ...
Article : 1,044 wordsSIR,—Will you kindly permit one or two words of remarks on the letter of my new opponent " Anglicacus," which appears in this morning's paper. The opinion given by the law officers of the Crown in England ...
Article : 766 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 22 Oct 1860, Page 2
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