[?]NEYMAN BAKERS' ASSOCIATION.—A meeting members of this association was held on Satur[?]ening, at the Lighthouse Hotel, Bathurst[?] The meeting was numerously attended, Mr. ...
Article : 3,683 wordsTHERE are certain processes to which it never can be pleasant to submit. That species of elevation which is briefly described as "sus. per col." may be quoted as one instance. Parting ...
Article : 1,200 wordsONE cannot exactly anathematise Kiandra as Byron did Malta in regid of "streets of stairs," such things being totally unknown in this primitive locality, but most assuredly its uneven, steep, and ...
Article : 1,694 wordsBEFORE J. Byrnes and G. B. Suttor, Esqrs. BELLAMY V. MILSON.—In this adjourned case Mr. Byrnes, in giving the decision of the Bench said, that the only matter on which some doubt had arisen in ...
Article : 149 wordsOCTOBER 20.—SHIPPING NEWS.—The Albury, 60 tons, 60-horse power, accompanied by three barges, and commanded by Captain Barber, passsed Lang's on the 8th instant, on her way down the river; she ...
Article : 578 wordsBefore G. Langley, Esq. A person, who refused to give his name, charged with being illegally on the promises of James Tamsett, of Baulkham Hills, and stealing sundry ...
Article : 240 wordsOBSERVANCE OF THE SABBATH.—On Wednesday evening a meeting took place at the Church of England School-house, for the purpose of hearing the Rev. Mr. King, of Parramatta, deliver a lecture on the ...
Article : 571 wordsSIR,—A letter appeafed in your paper yesterday, signed by a member of the Paddington and Surry Hills Rifle Corps, and in which some reflections were cast upon Colonel Kempt for permitting the use of rifies, ...
Article : 462 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 827 wordsSIR,—My attention has lately been called to a plant of the Asclepiad family (Leichardtia australis), of which my friend, G. S. Suttor, Esq., sent me a follicle or seed vessel from the Lower Darling. My friend ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 5 Nov 1860, Page 5
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