FROM the present appearance of the revenue it is quite clear that either we must get deeper into debt, or cripple the public service by pernicious reductions. Every Ministry desires ...
Article : 1,371 wordsSYDNEY has not been visited with such heavy rain for many years, as that which fell from Wednesday, the 25th April, to the following Sunday. Scarcely have we rallied from the effects of the disastrous ...
Article : 4,039 wordsTHE large number of persons interested in Assurance Companies, whether as Shareholders or insured, make the law and its interpretation, in reference to such cases, of high importance. Thus more than usual ...
Article : 1,453 wordsWE should be sorry in the present state of affairs to pronounce a decisive opinion between the Government and Mr. Rhodes. It is easy, indeed, to see where some things might have been harmonised by a little ...
Article : 758 wordsAs our monthly Summaries have a large circulation in Great Britain, we take this opportunity of noticing a complaint which is constantly being made against some of the English shippers, and the cause of which ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 12 May 1860, Page 10
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