THE revival of the gold fever during the past week has been too decided to admit of serious attention being given by the great mass of the people to any event or subject not having some connection with the reported ...
Article : 6,570 wordsWE understand that the preliminary steps for the establishment of a Female Home have been successful, and that the institution will open, if not with ample means yet with such as may ensure a fair trial to the ...
Article : 978 wordsON the evening of Thursday, 9th September, a deputation from the Presbyterian congregation, Pyrmont, waited on the Rev. Robert Boag, A.M., and presented him with a purse of sovereigns, as a mark of ...
Article : 901 wordsTHE successful navigation of the river Murrumbidgee, as far as Gundagai, is an event quite as important to New South Wales as [?]o South Australia. Its immediate effects may perhaps be to divert from Sydney ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 9 Oct 1858, Page 5
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