SIR,—Prometheus, I find, favoured me with, a column of comment in the Empire of yesterday: will you kindly allow me space for a brief criticism onmy critic? The only reply that I shall make to Prometheus' ...
Article : 1,040 wordsSIR,—In my last letter I complained of the University report, as an unsatisfactory document, and of what appeared to be the enormous cost of tuition in that establishment. I have a much more serious matter to ...
Article : 1,321 wordsSOME days ago we copied into the Herald, the New York letter of the Times correspondent, dated 21st January, in which he gave a vigorous description of the tremendous storm of snow and frost which had ...
Article : 1,116 wordsSIR.—Observing in your paper of this day some remarks reflecting upon the mistake with respect to the wrong panel of jurors having been handed into Court, I beg you will allow me to meet the false impression ...
Article : 203 wordsSIR,—Will you allow me,to point out one or two mistakes in your notice of the re-opening of the Australian Museum, in this morning's Herald. It is said—" the minerals have been arranged under ...
Article : 275 wordsCASHMERE AND ITS RULER.—Avarice is a vice that grows and gains strength with age, and it may therefore be assumed that Maharajah Goolab Singh, the ruler of Cashmere, who has all his life been famous or ...
Article : 3,072 wordsThe Herald of that date mentions that, on the previous morning, as the freight train from the west, on the Great Western Railroad, was approaching the junction near Hamilton, a wheel of one of the cars ...
Article : 1,548 wordsAn article from the Union has excited much attention in political circles, as being, perhaps, an index of the policy of the incoming Administration towards England. If it really is such, ...
Article : 1,345 wordsTHE necessity of firmly resisting all attempts to inveigle the United States into any partnership or co-operation with Great Britain in their policy with regard to this continent, and most ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 28 May 1857, Page 2
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