SCARCELY was there time for the feeling of horror created by the loss of the Dunbar to pass away, when it was revived by intelligence of a collision off Cape Otway, between the steamers Lady Bird and ...
Article : 1,711 wordsBRISBANE, 2nd September.—I alluded in my last letter to the supposed murder of a German woman while she was proceeding from Brisbane to her place of abode at the station of Mr. Henderson, on the Logan, ...
Article : 1,794 wordsSIR,—I have often heard of the distressed needlewomen and wished to help them, but if I simply say this, I should fail to excite that sympathy in their behalf which I am earnestly desirous of doing. ...
Article : 1,042 wordsTHE Correspondent of the Mudgee Newspaper says:— "This township and district have again been visited by immoderate rain, and a flood has thence resulted, which—great as was the last influx of water three ...
Article : 887 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 7 Sep 1857, Page 8
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