BEFORE the Water Police Magistrate, Messrs. Hargraves, Rae, Comrie, Fisher, E. Ebsworth, George Thornton, and Captain Deloitte, J.P.'s William Hall, William Dodd, John Smith, and ...
Article : 440 wordsTHE following return has been courteously furnished to us by Mr. C. H. Woolcott, secretary to the City Commissioners. Of course, it does not include the return of the population for the suburbs or hamlets, ...
Article : 135 wordsFROM the Moreton Bay Courier of 30th ult. we learn that the returns for Cossino is as follows:- For Irving, 36; for M'Kenzie, 1. Thus giving Mr. Irving a majority of 83 on the gross, ...
Article : 79 wordsA SPECIMEN of the Cornells Angolensls, or Angola Roller, brought from the Baguaine Country, in the interior of Africa, by Dr. Livingstone. Presented by Mrs. G. G. Angas. A specimen of the Nestor hypoplinus, from New Zealand. By ...
Article : 375 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,830 wordsAN adjourned general annual meeting of this charity was held at Perry's Commercial Hotel, on Friday, the 2nd instant, Mr. R. Copland Lethbridge, President, in the chair. The usual routine business of re-electing ...
Article : 742 wordsA MEETING of the friends and admirers of Mr. Charles Gavan Duffy was held last evening at the Commercial Hotel. The object of the meeting was to form a committee to co-operate with the one recently appointed ...
Article : 95 wordsWE have Canterbury papers to the 5th of April. In noticing the despatch of the first cargo of wool from the province direct to England, the Lyttelton Times remarks:—"It is with no ordinary pleasure we ...
Article : 525 wordsFOR the following, which is five days' later than the intelligence in Saturday's Herald, we are indebted to our contemporary, the Argus, of Thursday last:- We have received a file of the Commercial Gazette ...
Article : 701 wordsWE have papers to the 7th of February. The Calcutta journals report that Lord Dalhousie is exceedingly unwell, and has telegraphed to Bombay to hasten the arrival of Lord Canning. His lordship ...
Article : 1,881 wordsSIR,—I presume that I am the person pointed at in the letter signed "An Australian" (a mere nom de plume, I should hope), and headed " The Upper House," which appears in your issue of this day. I have ...
Article : 413 wordsMESSRS. Frith and Payten sold to-day by auction, at their Rooms, about 160 packages of boots and shoes, ex Speedy and Star of Peace. There was a good attendance of the trade, but ...
Article : 2,093 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 80 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 774 wordsBEFORE Mr. Dowling, Mr. Thornton, and Mr. G. Hill. Thirty-four persons were dealt with for having been found drunk in the streets, and were severally sentenced to pay 20s., or to be imprisoned for twenty-four ...
Article : 740 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 6 May 1856, Page 5
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