{No abstract available}
Advertising : 393 wordsThomas Rittson and Edward Tierney, draymen, were charged by Inspector Stubbs, for plying for hire without having first obtained the necessary license. Fined 10[?], with 5s. costs. ...
Article : 96 wordsEASTER HOLIDAYS.—To-morrow being Good Friday, all the banks and public offices will be closed. Easter Monday will also be observed as a holiday by the banks and public offices. ...
Article : 1,381 wordsSeven persons were taken up for drunkenness in the streets. Two deposited and forfeited 40s. each; the rest were sentenced to pay 20s. each. The general list comprised thirteen charges, seven of ...
Article : 396 wordsMary Corney, Mary Ann Roberts, and Thomas Bowler were, in default of payment of a fine of 20s., ordered to be imprisoned for 24 hours. James Howard was fined 20s. for drunkenness, and ...
Article : 457 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 138 wordsTHE WEATHER.—The wet weather still continues, the showers having indeed been heavier and more frequent since Sunday. The river has been in slight fresh for several days. ...
Article : 712 wordsSIR,—As a promoter of colonial enterprise and an advocate for the formation of railways in this country, I must beg permission to enter the field in support of their extension. ...
Article : 2,618 wordsSIR,—In your issue of yesterday I perceive a small paragraph, headed "Blue Coat Scholars," and I assure you nothing is more interesting to one who has trod the same ground, and run over the same cloister ...
Article : 447 wordsSIR,—In the latter part of the sermon delivered by the clergyman in the church I attended last Sunday were words to this effect, he said (introducing the patriotic fund and its object), "While many have ...
Article : 997 wordsSIR,—If the votaries of Mammon advertise for dupes on Holy Days, I do not see why we, the ministers of the Church, should not as publicly protest against the attempt which was made last year, and has been ...
Article : 444 wordsSIR,—Will you allow me to encroach upon your columns by giving an instance of the bad working of our assisted emigration rules, in the following unadorned statement of what I have suffered from a man ...
Article : 1,064 wordsIN our own markets we have no transactions of importance to notice. We understand that large purchases in flour, with the view of supplying the supposed exhaustion of the Victoria ...
Article : 714 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 106 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thu 5 Apr 1855, Page 5
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