This was an action of assumpsit upon two Bills of exchange made by defendant in favour of plaintiffs, and amounting together to £60, together with interest thereon. The defendant pleaded that these bills were ...
Article : 398 wordsIn the estate of Frederick Beer, a special meeting was held, at which an offer of composition made by insolvent on the 15th March lost was unanimously accepted. ...
Article : 168 wordsTwelve drunkards were brought up and fined 20s. each; two others had paid the penalty of 40s. each at the lock-up. The general list consisted of fourteen charges, three ...
Article : 645 wordsDaniel M'Donald, for being drunk, was sentenced to 24 hours' imprisonment. Ann M'Kane, for like offence, forfeited her bail 40s. John Oliver, was charged with assaulting Edward ...
Article : 260 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 292 wordsMISS CATHERINE HAYES.—Many of our readers will be glad to hear that this gifted lady contemplates a second visit to our city; and her sojourn, we have reason to believe, will be of some duration. Miss ...
Article : 1,622 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 27 wordsTrade is good. Five cwt. wool, clippings, has been purchased at 2½d. per 1b., and four bales greasy wool at 6/2d. per 1b. Three bundies sheepsking have been purchased at 4½d. per 1b. ...
Article : 307 wordsSIR,—Congratulating you upon the commendations graeiously bestowed on you by your correspondent W., in your number of this morning, as to the very marked improvement in style, &c., of articles in your ...
Article : 907 wordsTHE REQUIREMENTS OF MAITLAND.—On Thursday evening the committes appointed at Wednesday's preliminary meeting met at the Rose Inn, the Rev. Dean Lynch in the chuir. Resolutions were passed ...
Article : 722 wordsTHE fallowing letter presents the text of two addresses insued by the Emperor Alexander, of which mention has been made:— St. Petersburg, March 4.—The following addresses ...
Article : 1,560 wordsTHE following is the return of the Customs Revenue for the Port of Sydney, for the weekending to-day:— Brandy.............. £1579 3 3 ...
Article : 3,678 wordsThe ATTORNEY-GENERAL moved for the admission of Mr. Wise to the Bar of New South Wales. Mr. Wise had been called to the English bar in 1844. He had not received the certificate of this gentleman's ...
Article : 1,508 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Mon 18 Jun 1855, Page 5
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