Mr. LUTWYCHE moved to make absolute a rule nisi for a mandamus, in order to compel Helenus Scott, Esq., Police Magistrate of Carcoar, to hear and adjudicate upon an application by one Catherine Hogan ...
Article : 3,218 wordsIn the estate of Charles King, a single meeting at 10 o'clock. In the estate of George Brockstayne, single, at 11. In the estate of Alexander F. D. Greville, single, at 1. ...
Article : 46 wordsThe drunkard list contained the names of eighteen offenders: four of these avoided making their appearance before the Bench, by paying the maximum penalty of 40s. each; the fourteen others were convicted, and ...
Article : 971 wordsLaurence Otelle, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing 2 lbs. of potatoes from Campbell's Wharf, and was fined 20s., in default of payment, 14 days' imprisonment. ...
Article : 853 wordsMR. SAMUEL to move, That an Address be presented to the Governor-General, praying that his Excellency will be phased to cause to be laid upon the table of this House, Copies of all Correspondence between the honourable the Colonial Secretary, the ...
Article : 893 wordsYESTERDAY, the half-yearly general meeting of the shareholders in this Company, was held at their Rooms, New Pitt-street, for the purpose of receiving the report of the directors for the last half-year; of electing ...
Article : 2,177 wordsYESTERDAY a numerous meeting of the shareholders of this Company was held at the Royal Hotel, Mr. T. J. Fisher in the chair. Messrs. A. Berry, R. Hill, E. S. Hill, Joubert, Syers, R. W. Moore, ...
Article : 312 wordsA PUBLIC meeting, for the purpose of receiving the deputation from the British and Foreign Bible Society, recently sent out to the colonies, and for establishing a Branch Bible Society, at Windsor, took place on the evening of Friday last, in the ...
Article : 3,801 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 17 Jul 1855, Page 2
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