PURSUANT to advertisement, a preliminary meeting of citizens unfavourable to the passing of the New Constitution Bill assembled yesterday evening at the Exchange Rooms, to take into consideration the ...
Article : 1,979 wordsIN accordance with the date fixed by the writ for the nomination of candidates for the representation of the above counties, this usual preliminary proceeding took place in the Court House on Monday, 16th inst., in the ...
Article : 3,266 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,163 wordsTHE despatch of the Duke of Newcastle regarding the conditionally pardoned convicts, proved to be precisely of the tenor which had been indicated by Sir William Denison's organ in Van Diemen's Land. ...
Article : 1,632 wordsAT eleven o'clock of Tuesday, the 14th day of November, the following town allotments, which have been previously offered for sale, but not disposed of, will be re-offered for sale by public auction, at the Crown Land's Office, Muswellbrook, at the upset price ...
Article : 1,822 wordsSIR,—On Friday my attention was called to a statement in the Empire's summary of news (extracted evidently from some other paper), to the effect that the government of the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tue 24 Oct 1854, Page 5
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