A contributor has received the following letter from a London correspondent;- LONDON, MAY 9. The London season now on the eve of ...
Article : 1,121 wordsThe mail brings the news of the death of that fine old actor of the too-rapidly passing away high school of comedy, Mr. J. C. Lambert which took place on the 30th April last, ...
Article : 398 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 25 wordsIt has not been found necessary to makes any change in the programme of the Theatre Royal. "The Shaughraun" still adequately suffices for the purpose of entertaining the ...
Article : 2,060 wordsBy the mail a letter was received by the Premier from His Excellency Sir George Bowen, who stated that it was his intention to leave on his return journey to the colony ...
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The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), Sat 3 Jul 1875, Page 19
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