MR. COWPER'S recent motion relative to the completion of the Dry Dock, at Cockatoo Island, led to a short discussion on the present system of penal discipline enforced at that ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 422 wordsST. JOHN'S CHURCH.—The plan of the Church about to be erected on the site of St. John's is much admired for its simplicity and beauty, and if carried out according to the intentions ...
Article : 1,794 wordsAUGUST 2.—A meeting was held in the Courthouse on Thursday, when a Committee was appointed to decide where the roads most need those repairs for which money has been voted ...
Article : 1,110 wordsA meeting of the settlers of the Murray district, Victoria, was held at Benalla, on Tuesday, the 20th instant, for the purpose of devising means for destroying the native dogs by ...
Article : 1,375 wordsCHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY.—The anniversary meeting of this association was held on Tuesday morning at Exeter Hall, the Earl of Chichester presiding. Upon the platform ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Sat 7 Aug 1852, Page 2
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