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Advertising : 2,990 wordsOCTOBER 2.—The rain which tell during the night of the 22nd ultimo caused the waters of the river[?] to rise as high as the bridge, and it has not yet quite subsided to its usual level, ...
Article : 682 wordsGENTLEMEN,—Would you allow me, As briefly as possible, to advert to the virulent a[?]usations, so constantly and universally reiterated by our fellow-colonists of Port Phillip, against ...
Article : 382 wordsGENTLEMEN,—I trust you will permit me through the medium of your columns to direct public attention to the conduct of an officer in the employment of the City Corporation, ...
Article : 564 wordsGENERAL REMARKS.—The week has been proli[?] in news. Two overland mails came in from Ceylon by the Persia; one of the 7th and the other of the 24th May. The ...
Article : 441 wordsCOLO[?]AL Secretary's Office, Sydney,September27.—His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified, for the information of all persons interested, that in pursuanco of her Majesty's [?]der in Council, of the 9th ...
Article : 4,803 wordsTHE words Life Assurance, do not, I believe, excite an absolutely pleasant idea in any mind. They delight us as little as do the words "making our will," and I think for much the ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Fri 6 Oct 1848, Page 3
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