GENTLEMEN,—It was with no ordinary satisfaction that I perused in the Herald of the 20th instant, the intelligent letter of Mr. Holt on the subject of the Pfandbriefe measure. With ...
Article : 2,355 wordsON the evening of Wednesday, the 29th of July, a meeting of the subscribers to the Maitland Hospital was held at the Northumberland Hotel, for the purpose of taking into ...
Article : 1,116 wordsGENTLEMEN,—Without the slightest desire to enter into any controversy on the subject of the letter of your correspondent, Mr. James Byrnes, inserted in your paper of yesterday, I ...
Article : 677 wordsGENTLEMEN,—Your correspondent " Trismegistus," in a not very successful effort to be funny respecting the late meeting of the Benevolent Society, having indulged in a few ...
Article : 780 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 965 wordsThe Reforme publishes the following letter dated Berlin, the 7th March:—" A great number of the most enlightened Israelites of Berlin have introduced various reforms in the ...
Article : 862 wordsCOLONIAL Secretary's Office, Sydney, 1st August, 1846.—The description of the follow ing Grants of Land, which have been appropriated to the purposes hereinafter mentioned, ...
Article : 279 wordsCOWRA ROCKS.—July 24: Dark bay filly, bang tall, black points, blotched brand near shoulder, about three years old, about. 12½ hands high; damages, 6d. It not previously released, to be sold in twenty-four days from ...
Article : 307 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 72 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,429 wordsJULY 27.—Even in this remote quarter, much excitement has prevailed in reference to the departure of Sir George Gipps from our shores; but now that he has really left us, ...
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The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wed 5 Aug 1846, Page 3
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