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  2. Advertising

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    Advertising : 4,354 words

    SIR,—I notice a letter in your paper signed "Citizen," speaking about neglect in not having more privacy at the Asylum for the Insane. "Citizen" can have a very poor ...

    Article : 289 words
  4. The Empress of India.

    THE first steamer of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Empress of India, twin screw, for the Vancouver Pacific service, has just arrived at Liverpool from the builders in ...

    Article : 60 words
  5. A Munificent Offer.

    MR. T. BEDFORD BOLITHO, M.P., has sent to the West Cornwall Infirmary annual meeting his scheme for a convalescent home in memory of his deceased father. He proposes ...

    Article : 56 words
  6. Latest District News.

    An interesting cricket match was celebrated on the Wyee cricket ground, on Saturday last, between Wyee and Wyong, ending in a victory for the former by ten wickets. The ...

    Article : 380 words
  7. Hamilton.

    A new bell, turned out to order by Messrs. Morison and Bearby, of Carrington, for the local fire brigade, has been given a successful trial, and certainly speaks well for itself ...

    Article : 431 words
  8. West Maitland.

    Some fourteen months back a youth named Crawford received a severe injury to one of his legs through being hit with a cricket-ball. As the leg gradually became worse, it was ...

    Article : 125 words
  9. An Easy Transit.

    A NEW apparatus for hanging, worked by means of a water-gauge, was tested on a murderer at Colorado. The criminal unconsciously executed himself, and died without ...

    Article : 42 words
  10. Life Assurance in Germany.

    ACCORDING to recent statistics, twelve million persons are now insured under the German accident and old age insurance scheme. During the present year 120,000 ...

    Article : 51 words
  11. A Rich Vagrant.

    A VAGRANT named David Miller has just been found dead in a Dundee lodging-house with a deposit receipt for £300, and £22 in notes in his possession. ...

    Article : 31 words

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    Detailed lists, results, guides : 75 words