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  2. Medical Changes.

    DR. ABBOTT, who has been so popular at Dr. Nash's, Wallsend, for the past three months, has been engaged by Dr. Pierce, of West Maitland. Dr. Tomlins, M.R.C.S., ...

    Article : 39 words
  3. The late Mr. John Cork.

    MR. JAS. CURLEY, the Miners' General Secretary, wishes us to state that on Monday he received a letter from Mr. Westlake, addler, of George-street West, Sydney ...

    Article : 56 words
  4. Buggy Accident in Hunter-street.

    LAST night, between 7 and 8 o'clock, an accident happened in Hunter-street. A son of Mr. Henderson was driving in one of Messrs. Gates and Co.'s buggies, and ...

    Article : 158 words
  5. Benevolent Asylum Concert.

    WE understand that the ladies and gentlemen of the Plattsburg and Wallsend Choral Society, some 50 in number, are making rapid progress under their conductor, Mr. ...

    Article : 145 words
  6. Newcastle Police Court.

    DRUNKENNESS.—Four drunks appeared to answer for their misdoings, and were each fined 5s, or 24 hours. BREACHES OF BY-LAWS.—Eleven offenders ...

    Article : 185 words
  7. Daring Burglary.

    A MOST daring burglary and attempt to rob the landlord of the Miners' Home Hotel, Glebe, of a large sum of money, took place at an early hour on Monday morning. It ...

    Article : 655 words
  8. Increased Naval Brigade.

    AN advertisement in another column announces that the Naval Brigade will be doubted without loss of time. Application is to be made to Commander-Cross. ...

    Article : 29 words
  9. "Under the Palms."

    THIS splendid cantata will be produced at the Victoria Theatre on Good Friday night. The same number of vocalists will appear as on the former occasions, including Mrs. ...

    Article : 54 words
  10. New Land Board.

    A MEETING Of the above was held at the court-house, Newcastle, yesterday morning, before Mr. Vernon, chairman of the local land board. The business consisted of ...

    Article : 85 words
  11. G.N.R. Protection Society.

    THE usual meeting of the Great Northern Railway Protection Society was held on Saturday evening, when, after the ordinary business of the meeting had been ...

    Article : 132 words
  12. Auckland-street.

    A DEPUTATION, consisting of the Mayor, Alderman Henderson, Alderman Webb and the city engineer, waited on Mr. Gregson, general superintendent of the A.A.Co., in ...

    Article : 614 words
  13. The Bondi Case.

    THE three young men, John Jones, James Kelly, and Michael Healy, convicted on Thursday of maliciously wounding Constable Stove, were brought into court and ...

    Article : 180 words
  14. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,640 words
  15. Facts and Fancies Centralised.

    Serious fighting is imminent amongst the Central American Republics. The French Legislature has increased the duties on cattle imported into France. ...

    Article : 1,760 words

    Sir,—Yours of the 27th March to hand. I would just say that your informant should have told your that the error I made in identifying your letter with a paragraph which ...

    Article : 487 words
  17. Garden Calendar for April.

    KITCHEN GARDEN.—For early crops sow peas, cabbage, lettuce, radish, carrots, turnips, parsnips, parsley, celery, mustard—herbs of all sorts. Sow for succession ...

    Article : 147 words
  18. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 184 words