WE are afraid that the "soothing system" is as strongly in operation, in the Female Factory as ever it was. When the present Keeper was appointed to the situation we were in hopes that ...
Article : 812 wordsWe trust that something will be done by the Government to put a stop to the wholesale system of robbery which is taking place in every district of the Colony, where there is any cedar ...
Article : 2,000 wordsBy the brig Martha, Captain Hay, from Cloudy Bay, New Zealand, after a tempestuous passage of 33 days, we learn the following shipping intelligence:—At Cloudy Bay, Caroline, ...
Article : 201 wordsOn Saturday, the 22nd October last, a gentleman named Austin, on his way to Sydney, was robbed by three men, near Boro Creek, Argyle, of cash and orders ...
Article : 275 wordsWe are surprised to find thal a practice, exists in the interior, which must, as a matter of course, be fraught with the greatest evils; we allude to the sending of Convicts from one stockade to ...
Article : 2,953 wordsAn inquest was held on Wednesday, at the Sportsman's Arms, Parramatta Road, on the body of an elderly man who was found drowned the previous day. The body was not identified. ...
Article : 137 wordsIn the present embarrassed state of money affairs in this Colony, we avail ourselves of the opportunity bf extracting from Mr. Martin's late work on the British Colonies, (which is ...
Article : 700 wordsA public meeting for the purpose of voting addresses to their Majesties Queen Victoria and the Queen Dowager was held pursuant to a requisition signed by five magistrates in the Hall of the School ...
Article : 5,787 wordsIntimately connected with the commerce and prosperity of a Country, is its Monetary System. According to the report of the House of Assembly in 1830, the basis of the metallic ...
Article : 515 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 219 wordsThe sheep of the Merino kind are divided into two classes, Trashumantes and Estantes. Both-of these words are Spanish participles; the first implies travelling or wandering, the ...
Article : 540 wordsWe are quite sure that our literary readers will not grudge the space occupied by the subjoined beautiful passages from the speech of Mr. Serjeant Talfourd, in moving for leave to bring ...
Article : 1,698 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), Mon 20 Nov 1837, Page 3
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