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Detailed lists, results, guides : 72 wordsIT is very probable that Mr. Buchanan, unlikely man as he is, may effect a needed reform in our Parliamentary procedure. Critics of Mr. Buchanan's general conduct ...
Article : 944 wordsKITCHEN GARDEN.—Sow peas and beans for late crop; also cabbage, lettuce, onions, cauliflowers, leeks, eschs[?]ts, [?] and herbs. Clear and loosen soil. Sow as last month with a[?]tion of spring vegetables in general. At end of this month ...
Article : 157 wordsOn Tuesday, the extension from Armidale to Glen Innes of the Great Northern Railway, was officially opened by the Acting Minister of Works, the Hon. George R. Dibbs. Departing from the custom ...
Article : 5,946 wordsOn Tuesday, at noon, a meeting of ratepayers of the Borough of Morpeth was held in the council chamber, for the purpose of hearing the nominations read of candidates for the vacant seat in the council, ...
Article : 291 wordsAt the usual weekly sales of the above Association held yesterday there was a good attendance of purchasers, competition was brisk, and good prices were realised for all lots submitted. It will be ...
Article : 242 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 112 wordsMORPETH CRICKET CLUB.—The annual general meeting of the members of the Morpeth Cricket Club waa held at the School of Arts, on Tuesday evening; Mr. J. B. Somerville, vice-president, ...
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