From London via Hobart Town, on Thursday last, having sailed from the former place the 9th of October, and the latter the 18th ultimo, the ship James Harris, ...
Article : 2,074 wordsThe supply of wheat this week has not exceeded 1500 bushels; principally of inferior quality from the ravages of the weavil; the best samples, which were ...
Article : 221 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 73 wordsWe have received by the Caroline, Hobart Town and Launceston Papers to the 25th ultimo, and the following is a summary of their contents. ...
Article : 1,049 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 153 wordsExtract of a Letter from Oahu, Sandwich Islands, dated March 3, 1834.— "The brig Bee, sails in a few days for your place, under seizure by the British ...
Article : 277 wordsTHURSDAY.—Before His Honor Judge Dowling, and a Civil Jury. John Walker, John Barlow, and Wm. Jackson, were indicted for a robbery in ...
Article : 1,976 wordsTUESDAY.—Patrick Byrne stood indicted for stealing at Sydney, on the— March, one blue cloth jacket, the property of Thomas Powis. The prosecutor ...
Article : 509 wordsGENTLEMEN—With the above highsounding and ill-chosen expressions the Sydney Gazette has garnished two lengthy articles, in its columns of the 26th and 29th ...
Article : 1,413 wordsGENTLEMEN—I perceive that the Australian of this day's date has a portion of its columns charged with the double-headed criticisms on my communication published ...
Article : 274 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Herald (NSW : 1831 - 1842), Mon 5 May 1834, Page 2
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