{No abstract available}
Advertising : 153 wordsThe Rev. J. S. Small, chairman of the Wesleyan mission district of Fiji, is at present in Queensland as a delegate to the Wesleyan Conference, and has been good enough ...
Article : 1,636 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 403 wordsThe Mayoress, Mrs. Proe, will be "at home" at the Exbition Building from 3 to 5 p.m. on Thursday, 6th June. Miss May Harding left Brisbane for Sydney on ...
Article : 276 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 20 wordsThis afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the Centennial Hall, Lady Nelson will open a Japanese fair organised by the Enoggera-terrace Presbyterian Church Women's Guild. The fair will be continued ...
Article : 42 wordsThe marriage of Mr. William S. Dickson manager of the, Bank of Australisia Chillagoe, son of Mr. G. A. Dickson of Toowoomba to Miss Mary Hindmarsh, daughter of the late Mr. James H. ...
Article : 171 wordsA quiet wedding was celebrated in Brisbane on the 24th instant, the contracting parties being Miss Denis and Robert Vivers, both of the Logan. Mr. Vivers is the champion buckimnper rider of ...
Article : 70 wordsFor some years past the Brisbane Deutscher Turn Verein have given a great masquerade ball on Exhibition eve. These, balls have gradually grown in the favour of those who patronise them, and are ...
Article : 404 wordsIn spite of the showers which fell on Saturday morning, there was a good attendance at Ascot on Saturday afternoon, and a number of country people were present. Benvenuti's band rendered ...
Article : 1,732 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 224 wordsMatthes Sheedy, aged 45 years, married, and employed as a labourer, met with a nasty accident at the Exhibition Grounds, Bowen Park, at an early hour on ...
Article : 103 wordsA lad named Archie Whittick, aged 16 years, expired at the Colmslie Plague Hospital on Saturday morning from bubonic plague. The patient had resided ...
Article : 111 wordsMayor Proe on Friday evening received the following telegram from the Hon. Macdonald-Paterson, who is at present at (MelIbourne:—"Deeply regret illness prevents ...
Article : 71 wordsThe following is a list of those who passed the examinations for solicitors held some days ago, the names being given in the order of merit:—Preliminary—V. L. ...
Article : 62 wordsThe following letter has been sent by the Isis Agricultural Association to (Mr. A. Fisher, member of the Federal House of Representatives for that district:— ...
Article : 209 wordsMr. R. Stewart, who is managing J. C. Williamson's Bio-Tableau, now at His Majesty's Theatre, is also an enthusiastic motorist, and during all his tours of late ...
Article : 380 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 68 wordsThe cinematograph was the, first introauction we had to moving pictures worked upon a system of continuous instantaneous photographs. The pictures shown at His ...
Article : 566 wordsThe Commandant has despatched a telegram to the Federal Minister for Defence, acquainting him of the conclusion of the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York to ...
Article : 217 wordsYesterday was a memorable day at the South Brisbane Lutheran Church, for on that day Pastor Becker, who has resigned his pastorate in order to more fully ...
Article : 518 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 676 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Mon 27 May 1901, Page 9
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