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Advertising : 17 wordsIT was the custom of the Press when referring to some local effort in film production to remark that the "making of pictures in Australia is still in its infancy." It was, and it remained a puerile infant for twenty years or so, fated never to grow to sturdy youth, much less lusty manhood, despite the efforts of many foster fathers to infuse ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 2,018 wordsWHILE more difficulties are cropping up in the path of the England-Australian air service, the Dutch are making hay while the aviation sun shines. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 614 wordsREVIVAL of Maskelyne, and Cooke's magical show, popular with audiences 25 years ago, is one of the most successful entertainments running in London at the present time. Several conjurers ...
Article : 42 words"GENERALLY speaking, flying conditions in New Zealand are bad, and Wellington, the capital city of the Dominion, provides a striking example of fining training under, the worst possible conditions. "The Aero Club movement has received a tremendous amount of assistance from art ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 760 wordsRED on, and get a new conception of air speed. A well-known English designer, said there was ono drawback to super ...
Article : 159 wordsDISCUSSING aircraft radio in Australia, Mr. E. T. Fisk, of jmal. gamated Wireless, is reported to have said: "In England, France, Germany, ...
Article : 277 wordsON the air side, there is a magnificent headache working up for the next Disarmament Conference in 1932. ...
Article : 90 wordsIN the Royal Scottish Academy, recent exhibits include three very line etchings by W. S. Percy, the popular Australian. He has been supporting Tommy Lorne in pantomime and production for ...
Article : 49 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 68 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 18 wordsANY Air Force in the world would apprectate a falry godmother like the Air League of Turkey. THIS body is a veritable tower of ...
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Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), Wed 1 Jul 1931, Page 24
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