BOROUGH OF WINDSOR. 1 NOTICE is hereby given that the following gentlemen hare been duly elected to tbe various offices, as follows :— North Ward—John Thomas...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 58 wordsBOROUGH OF WINDSOR, NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Alderman Frederick James Morfcley has been duly elected Mayor for the Borough of Windsor for the current...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 41 wordsST. PETERS MUNICIPALITY. NOTICE is hereby given that Andrew T. Gibson and Jasper W. Blair have been duly appointed Assessors to make the the annual assessment...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 48 wordsADAMSTOWN MUNICIPAL DISTRICT THIS is to certify that Alderman Henry Evans bas been elected Mayor of the above Municipality for the current year. WILLIAM LEE,...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 35 wordsBOROUGH OF BALMAIN. NOTTCE is hereby given that William Moffit Burns, Esq., has been duly elected Mayor of tlie Borough of Balmain for the current Municipal...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 39 wordsBOROUGH OF BAXMAIN. NOTICE is hereby giren that the following gentlemen hare been duly elected Aldermen for the Borough Council of Balmain for the ensuing...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 69 wordsBOROUGH OF BAXMAIN. NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. H. B. Macintosh, Council Clerk, has been appointed Treasurer for the current Municipal year to the Borough...
Government Gazette Index and Contents : 40 wordsMUNICIPALITY OF WILCANNIA. NOTICE is hereby given that the following gentlemen have been duly elected to serve as Aldermen of this Municipality :— Ormond...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 57 wordsMUNICIPALITY OF WILOASTNIA. NOTICE is hereby given that Alderman William Frederick Sfcanbury has been elected Mayor for the year 1887. CUTHBERT ALLISON,...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 32 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF HAY. NOTICE is hereby given that Frank A. Byrne, Richard Trevena, and Peter B. Terry liave this day been declared elected Aldermen for...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 39 wordsMUNICLPAL DISTRICT OF HAY. NOTICE is hereby given that James Newton has this day been elected Mayor for the ensuing year. HENRY THOS. HAYNES, 10th January,...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 31 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF PENRITH, NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Michael Long has been duly elected Mayor for the Municipal year ending February, 1888. ROBERT...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 36 wordsMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF PENRITH. NOTICE is hereby given that the following gentlemen have been duly elected as Aldermen and Auditors -Aldeehkn. Penritli...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 66 wordsIn the Supreme Court of New South Wales. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. In tlie lands, goods, chattels, credits, and effects of Thomas Lynch, late of North...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 133 wordsIn the Supreme Court of New South Wales. ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION. In the will of Nelson Mundaj, late of 127, Elizabeth-street, Red fern, in the Colony of...
Government Gazette Private Notices : 136 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), Fri 18 Feb 1887, Page 44
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