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  2. GAnG GAnG

    WHEN is a reserved government parking bay not a reserved parking bay? One "irritated" senior public ...

    Article : 558 words

    A PLAY which is "tough", "ironic", "original", and "bawdy" in the opinion of its producer and director, John Gillies, is being staged both to ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 394 words

    BACK in July Gang Gang enthralled you all with the information that the Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs did know about ...

    Article : 308 words
  5. Stewart's warning to 'Mr Bigs'

    SYDNEY: "Five years is the life of the authority and there will be a good deal of accounting before that time expires. We feel ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,026 words
  6. No title

    Malika Ahkmedova dances with other members of the Bakhor Ensemble outside the residence of the Soviet Ambassador in Flinders Way, Red Hill, yesterday. The awardwinning folkloric group from Uzbekistan, Soviet Union, is to perform at the Erindale Centre on Saturday night. The ensemble is the first such group to come to Australia ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 100 words
  7. Opposition to maintain pressure

    MELBOURNE: The Opposition would be supplying the Prime Minister, Mr Hawke, with a list of questions either today or ...

    Article : 169 words
  8. THEATRE Not just Shakespeare rock

    COSETTING my pre-rock prejudices, I went sourly to the Canberra Theatre last night to endure two hours of rock: ...

    Article : 351 words
  9. Education conference

    A conference for parents considering educating their own children rather than sending them to school is to be held in ...

    Article : 64 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 264 words