It is considered by Sir Joynton Smith that Sir Joynton Smith is a public benefactor. Didn't he discover Myerson and "write him up" in his fearless paper, describing him as a landlord in scathing terms that deeply offended Mr. Myerson. But owing to pressure on space in the Weakly Weekly due to an overload of salacious sketches of semi-nude ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,906 wordsOne of the most unusual and marvellous operations in the surgical annals of Australia has been performed by the brilliant Macquarie-street surgeon. Dr. John L. McKelvey, and on Wednesday the patient celebrated his eleventh birthday—a ...
Article : 1,109 words"I HAVE not the slightest doubt that this man was drunk. A filthy state of drunkenness is the only way to describe it. This is one of the worst cases I have ever had before me, and he must be prohibited from holding a license. ...
Article : 145 wordsWHEN four prominent young members of the licensing branch of the Melbourne police force poured doy a their throats the ...
Article : 234 wordsYoung men and girls of prominent society families of Toorak and Kew were found by police in a raid on an opium "joint" in a Melbourne suburb one night during the week. Some of these men and girls were in a state bordering on ...
Article : 1,003 wordsTHOUGH Griffith, centre of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area, is naturally blessed with water in abundance, there are no baths there, no place to have a swim. An especially favored spot is Darlington Point, on the ...
Article : 114 wordsEVERYTHING in the gorden of the House of Stonehaven is not lovely. Big Jim Burdett, the head butler at Federal Government ...
Article : 333 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), Sun 16 Jan 1927, Page 13
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