From time to time we have referred to the prevalence of foot and mouth distemper, and have made suggestions for its treatment and prevention. Advice as to the management ...
Article : 1,404 wordsThe difficulty of burning stumps lies in their solidity. It is by no means easy to burn a solid stump entirely, but, of the various plans which have been devised for this ...
Article : 891 wordsThe most striking change noticeable in London for some time past has been the marked increase of the button-hole flower and bouquet trade. Half-a-dozen years ago ...
Article : 438 wordsFew parks or public gardens offer a finer example of improvement or design than this. How we improve by friction! Till 1852 the Bois was virtually a forest; but Napoleon ...
Article : 834 wordsAt a dinner held recently in connection with the kadina Agricultural Show, His Excellency recommended the Guinea grass and some others, about which the following ...
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The Riverine Grazier (Hay, NSW : 1873 - 1954), Wed 29 Oct 1873, Page 1
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