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  2. Advertising

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    Advertising : 718 words
  3. POETRY.

    The moist brown Boill in furrows lay, Where the field sloped up the hill; Below the meadows scretched away To the farm-house at the mill. ...

    Article : 212 words

    When morning came, the order that they should go was temporarily suspended; some prisoners were sent to a neighbouring military prison, and he was placed in charge, aud on his return from ...

    Article : 754 words

    And the morrow has come. Down in a deep and bluff-shadowed valley, hung all around with picturesque crags and pine-crested heights, under a cloudless September sun whose warmth is tempered ...

    Article : 1,802 words
  6. Queensland Stock Movements and State of the Country.

    THURSDAY ISLAND, February 2.—The rain recommenced this morning. NORMANTON, January 30.—Showers continue to fall and there is no sign of a break in the weather. ...

    Article : 1,815 words

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    Detailed lists, results, guides : 326 words