The application against the proprietors of the Age, in reference to the alleged contempt of Court, was refused, as their Honors did not consider the remarks made amounted to contempt. ...
Article : 1,363 wordsThe Assembly had a late sitting to-day, when the Government were defeated several times on items of the Estimates. Most of the amounts were small, and the total only amounting to £131, but the Opposition ...
Article : 380 wordsParliament was opened this afternoon. Little interest was manifested, and there was a small attendance. The Governor's speech was brief, and expressed a hope in favour of a short session. Proposals for the purchase ...
Article : 141 wordsIn the elections, Mr. George M'Lean beat the Greyite candidate by a large majority; and the result to date is, for the Government 22, Opposition 26, doubtful 3; but nearly all the Auckland unfilled seats are sure to ...
Article : 380 wordsWe learn that a new railway time-table is about to be issued, to come into operation on the 15th instant. It is intended to provide for the better accommodation of the through traffic during the time the Exhibition is open. We ...
Article : 853 wordsAPPOINTMENTS.—Mr. John Harris, M.B., C.M., Univ. Aberd.; L.R.C.P., Edin.; L.R.C.S., Edin.; Lic. Mid. R.C.P. and S., Edin., to be an additional vaccinator for the district of Newcastle; senior-sergeants Alexander M'Kay ...
Article : 1,165 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 131 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 579 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 49 wordsA Rockhampton telegram states that a pantryman, named Allwright, jumped overboard from the steamer Governor Blackall, off Bustard Head. The steamer was stopped, and a boat lowered, but it was of no ...
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Sat 13 Sep 1879, Page 423
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