Mr. J. Louie O. Krefft, known for having been Curator of the Australian Museum for many yean, and for his useful contributions to scientific literature, died at his residence, 71, Stanley-street, Woolloomooloo, on ...
Article : 784 wordsOn the morning of Friday, 18th instant, Mr. William Langford, the well-known yacht-builder, of North Shore, met his death in a manner as unexpected as it was painful. It seems that he was accustomed to have the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,424 wordsUnder date of February 21st, Mr. C. H. Barbour, "one of Hume's oldest nephews," of Beechworth, Victoria, writes as follows:—In the Sydney Mail, February 5th, is an account of the ...
Article : 810 wordsAn Irishman in politics, in philosophy, in common life, presents himself to Mr. Keene (says the Saturday Review) as an "unconditioned" kind of creature. He "does not feels the bonds of time, nor know the manacles of space.' ...
Article : 833 wordsFrom the Herald's review of "Endymion" we take the following :— Thackeray has in numberless instances in his great books painted for us little children—with what delicacy, with ...
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Sat 26 Feb 1881, Page 332
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