"By the way, mother." asked Frankland one day soon after the theatricals, "I should like to Bee Tom's letters. He never writes to me at all, and I have depended altogether on your account of the contents of his letters. He seems to me ...
Article : 3,654 wordsNeither Barry nor Paulina appeared at breakfast the next morning, and I devoutly hoped that the former might be Buffering from a headache and a fit of repentance. His absence was a comfort, so far aa it went; but we should ...
Article : 5,459 wordsHave my dear and gentle readers any interest in Robert Glynn? I confess to having presented the stem and lonely man to them in his gravest, and, perhaps, his most repellant aspect. The circumstances of my narrative have been too ...
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Sat 29 Dec 1883, Page 1207
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