The principal amusements have been the Wodonga races—for the first time promoted to a two days' meeting—and Sells Brothers' circus. The latter performed here on Saturday, and proved a great ...
Article : 121 wordsMr. R. Crabb has been holding a series of temperance services here during the past week, under the auspices of the Good Templar's Lodge. The meetings were well attended, and many persons were ...
Article : 793 wordsThe weather has been warm during the week. The temperature has not been very high on an average, but it was up to 108 degrees in the shade one day this week. As long as it does not go above that ...
Article : 608 wordsAt the monthly meeting of the committee of the Manning River District Hospital, Saturday afternoon last, it appeared that the trustees of the Taree Estate were prepared to execute a legal transfer of ...
Article : 636 wordsThe mail contractor, John Egan, fell under his coach when driving the mail from the post-office to the railway station this morning, and has since died from the effects of the fall. ...
Article : 1,902 wordsA great many special trains ran through, bringing numbers of people here both on Christmas and Boxing days, many families bringing a good hamper with them and picnicking in a cool, shady spot. ...
Article : 328 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Sat 2 Jan 1892, Page 47
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