PRESERVED MILK MANUFACTORY.—We had the opportunity the other day of examining the premises and machinery recently erected by Mr. Roger Seccombe, of Milton, Ulladulla, for the purpose of carrying on the ...
Article : 1,194 wordsBLOOD diseases have a wide geographical ana, and it cannot be said that any particular geographical or botanical conditions are essential to their development. There are, however, certain circumstances which are tolerably uniform ...
Article : 1,453 wordsBARON MEYER AMSCHEL DE ROTHSCHILD was the fourth son of the famous "Baron Nathan," founder of the London house of Rothschilds. He was born in 1818, and was educated at Cambridge, In 1859 he became the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 490 wordsSIR ARTHUR EDWARD GUINNESS, Bart., M.P. for the City of Dublin, is the eon of the late Sir B. L. Guinness, who was made a baronet in recognition of his public spirit and munificence in, restoring St. Patrick's Cathedral. Sir ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 80 wordsTHE third annual general meeting of this society, established in April, 1871, was held on the d11th instant, in the Church Society's Rooms, Phillip-street. Owing tot he very unfavourable characther of the weather, the attendance ...
Article : 1,400 wordsTHE cold is now beginning to tell upon the feel in most districts, and the face of the land is fast losing its late verdant aspect. It has been raining at Wagga, but notwithstanding this, and the wintry temperature, the ...
Article : 1,962 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Sat 20 Jun 1874, Page 784
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