PROFESSOR SCHMIDT remarks, as others did before h[?], that inheritance, or "heredity," if such a word conveys the meaning better, may be termed the conservative element in the life of species. That it really is so ...
Article : 1,265 wordsBEFORE his Honor Sir JAMES MARTIN (Chief Justice) and a jury of four. WAND[?]Y AND WIFE V. LB[?]S. Jury: Messrs. Henry Allen, Simon Zol[?]ner, William ...
Article : 1,075 wordsBEFORE his Honor Mr. Justice HARGRAVE and a jury of four BOURNE V. BOURNE. Petitioner in this case, John Bourne, formerly of Port ...
Article : 548 wordsIn the matter of Matthew Johnstone, an application for a certificate from the 23rd of March last. No one appeared in support of the application, and it was struck out of the list. ...
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Sat 22 May 1875, Page 663
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